Being a student at Rowan University for three years now, I have come to know my way around campus. The best spots to study, the places with the best scenery, where to eat, etc. It was only appropriate that I now call Rowan my native place, as I spend more time here than I do at home. When the time came to pick a place, I knew exactly where I would go, The back patio. It was a beautiful day, and during the spring I find myself sitting there often, watching the scenery around me, while completing my homework of course.

     Rowan has helped me grow as a person, to transform into the teacher that I hope to someday become. I have met many people, all who have shaped me in some way, and because of this I can relate to the characters in the peice by Wendell Berry, titled The art of the common place. The narrator talks about the influences and the knowledge that his native place brought to them, and my feelings are mutual. Between the professors here who have shaped my ways of thinking, and the friendships that have shaped my personality, this place has filled me with the knowledge that I will need to succeed in the future.

Inspired Tweets:music faintly in one ear, the slight noises of the moving man made stream of water at my side. #nativeplace #twitterive 

The veiw of the student center straight ahead, a slow movement of students around me #nativeplace #twitterive 

I hear the wheels of what sounds like a skateboard. Yupp, that confirms it, poor kid just ate the cement #nativeplace #twitterive 

A friend comes into me view, she screams my name. It has been a while #nativeplace #twitterive 

The suns shining down, i can barely see my computer screen. How is it this nice in the middle of winter. #nativeplace #twitterive 

Shorts and a Tshirt? Alright, i dont know if its THAT nice out. crazy kid. #nativeplace #twitterive

It is a little bare around here, everyone must be in class or not hungry. #nativeplace #twitterive 

I hear singing, over my music, and not good singing. Someone get the tape! #nativeplace #twitterive 

Alright i have had enough, nothing interesting is taking place anymore. #nativeplace #twitterive